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Are you ready for ingredient branding?

Test how fit your product/service is to be successfully commercialized through an Ingredient Brand Model. Get an immediate rating with our 10 step Ingredient Branding Fitness Check!

Does your component / service provide a relevant benefit to the buyer of the final product?


Does your product/service come in various qualities enabling your customers to broaden and differentiate their offering for various categories or end-uses?

Can end-users perceive the distinctive performance and benefit that your product/service contributes to enhance the final product?

Do you continuously innovate to increase and enhance the functionality of your product/service and enable new applications?

Do you systematically protect the intellectual property of your product/service offering?

How well do you know the entire value chain of the product/service you are offering - from the raw material to the finished product?

Do you have a certification process & licensing model for your brand in place?

Does a professional Brand Management promote and safeguard the appearance of your brand across all touch points in the value chain?

Is your planned Ingredient Brand initiative supported by the company owners (privately held) or the Top Management (public company) of your firm?

What is your time horizon in which your company would like to establish successfully an Ingredient Brand in your market?

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